Andrea Spice ran alongside Cllr Graeme Coombes and Cllr Marc Frost as the Conservative candidates for the new Ward of Wixams and Wilstead – she was successfully selected to represent the ward in the 2023 Borough elections.
Andrea’s number one goal is to understand and improve the lives of, not only residents in her Ward, but all people across Bedford Borough.
By working with her fellow Councillors, the Mayor and Borough Officers Andrea aims to improve Bedford Borough by building an attractive location for work, play, leisure and to raise a family for generations to come.
After successfully becoming a Borough Councillor during the 2023 elections, Andrea was selected as the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Planning & Prosperity (inc. Town Centres). She sits on the (Licensing Act 2003) Licensing Committee, Bedford High Street Heritage Action Zone, Bedford Town Deal Board, Community Infrastructure Levy Committee, Executive, General Licensing Committee, General Purposes Committee, Housing Committee (Vice-Chair), Trustees of the Bedford Park Charity, Trustees of the House of Industry Estate Management Committee, Trustees of the Mayor of Bedford's Charity.