Bromham & Biddenham Ward Councillors Roger Rigby and Jon Gambold have used their Council Ward Funds to invest in new safety measures at both of Bromham Lower School’s sites.
Bedford Borough councillors receive Ward Fund monies each year to contribute to schemes of their choice benefitting the local community.
The new safety measures for Bromham Lower School are in addition to dropped kerbs and a disabled parking bay at the Grange Lane site which were funded from Cllr Rigby’s and Cllr Gambold’s Ward Funds last year.
This year the councillors decided to finance a disabled accessible tarmac footpath on Grange Lane providing easy access to the main entrance while the Village Road site has received funds for a new 20mph zone which will operate during school opening and closing times.
Cllr Roger Rigby, who is also a School Governor at Bromham Lower School said:
‘As the school is visited by young and old, safe access is paramount. Village Road is a very busy rat-run at times and we want the school entrance and crossing to be safe.’
Cllr Jon Gambold said:
‘We worked with Bromham Village Hall over a number of years funding new boilers, lighting, ceiling and decorating making it more attractive with lower running costs. Subject to having Ward Funds we will continue to offer future support to the school.’