A meeting of Bedford Councillors recently received a report detailing a £2.269 million budget overspend for the financial year 2022/23 that occurred prior to the election under the former Liberal Democrat administration of Dave Hodgson.
The Borough Council’s financial position was laid bare after it emerged that the deficit comes as result of a historic operational overspends in a number of key service areas, including:
- £284k on Adults Social Services
- £7.025m on Childrens Social Services
- £2.419m on Environmental Services
- £4.073m on Corporate Services
These overspends were partly offset by underspends in other budgets, but leaves the Council with a net overspend of £2.27m. The bleak financial picture is set out in the Councils General Fund Budget and Capital Budget Outturn and could have serious implications for Council services.
The new Conservative administration, led by Mayor Tom Wootton, has begun working to balance the books and keep the Council financially resilient.
A range of measures is now being considered to respond to the difficult challenge ahead.
Portfolio Holder Finance and Councillor Graeme Coombes slammed the Liberal Democrats poor stewardship of Council finances, commenting,
"The Liberal Democrats left office with a £2.27m deficit on the 2022/23 budget as a parting gift. The financial pressures we face in the current year are a direct result of their inadequate stewardship of the Borough's finances and poor Budget planning for the current year.
At last night's Full Council, in one of the most surreal things ever to appear before Councillors, the Liberal Democrats tried to shirk responsibility for their actions and claim that a budget deficit on the year ending 31st March, was the responsibility of the new Conservative Administration that didn't take office until 9th May.
The Bedford public don't buy this nonsense and want Councillors who can work constructively to address the issues that affect the Borough, not play childish games, more suited to a school debating society. The new Conservative administration will aim to find a way out of the financial mess we have inherited and put Bedford Borough on a sound financial footing. The Lib Dems need to grow up and recognise they are no longer running the show."