Newnham Councillor John Mingay has asked residents in Riverfield Drive for their views on how to tackle speeding.
The estate has been blighted in recent months with motorists travelling in excess of the 30mph speed limit despite the existence of speed bumps and roundabouts. Cllr Mingay feels that a recent incident in which a vehicle left the road and brought down a wall surrounding a garden shows that the issue must be dealt with. He subsequently wrote to residents to ask for their views on possible solutions such as the implementation of average speed cameras.
Of 63 responses received, either emailed, telephoned or by letter over 2 weeks, 47 replies were for installing extra measures of traffic calming in Riverfield Drive and 16 were against. Those who asked for further measures included a 20 mile limit, speed cameras, illuminated boards showing vehicles speed and average speed cameras.
Cllr Mingay said:
‘I shall now pass the findings of my survey along with the confidential comments to the officers at Borough Hall as they are going to carry out a formal survey. I have visited a dozen people in their homes over the last few days and I wish to thank them for their hospitality and interest. Can I also thank anyone who has kindly taken the time to respond.’