Cllr Roger Rigby and Cllr Jon Gambold have welcomed a decision of the Planning Inspectorate to reject a proposed Gypsy & Traveller site in Bromham.
The applicant had lodged an appeal against a decision of the Council’s Planning Committee to refuse permission for 5 pitches to be located at the former Bromham Nurseries site. The hearing was subsequently heard in September and yesterday a decision was made which confirmed that the site will not go ahead.
Cllr Rigby said:
‘I welcome the Planning Inspector’s decision to refuse permission for the proposed Bromham Nurseries site. Such a development would in no way be appropriate and this was reflected in the reasons given to refuse the site on the basis that it would be contrary to the character and appearance of the area.
Cllr Gambold said:
‘This planning application generated a great deal of concern from residents. It is therefore very pleasing that it has been refused in accordance with their wishes.’