Bromham & Biddenham Cllrs Roger Rigby and Jon Gambold have finalised their Council Ward Fund projects for 2017/18.
The Council’s Ward Fund scheme provides each councillor with the opportunity to contribute financially towards projects benefitting their communities.
This year Cllrs Rigby and Gambold were very pleased to support the following:
£11543 for the purchase of ICT equipment for St James’ School, Biddenham
£249 to Bromham Parish Council to build a water collection system for Bromham allotments
£250 for the clearance of branches and sapplings from a negelected grass verge on Stagsden Road, Bromham
£2000 to implement a 20mph speed limit on Bromham Bridge
£1296 to provide maths resources for St James’ Lower School, Biddenham
Cllr Gambold said:
‘The Ward Fund gives us the opportunity to speak to residents and a range of community groups to find out more about their extremely valuable contributions to village life. We are very pleased to offer financial support through our Council Ward Fund to support their projects.
‘Following conversations with residents and Bromham and Biddenham Parish Councils on how to make the Bromham Bridge crossing safer for pedestrians and cyclists we have funded a consultation, and the necessary signage and markings if agreed, for a 20mph speed limit. Previous attempts to improve road safety here have failed and as traffic increases with the building of new homes, we have decided to see if a 20mph zone is the solution. We will see what the consultation brings.’
Cllr Rigby added:
‘St James’ Primary School in Biddenham is growing into a primary school within the new 2 tier system for the Borough and we know how hard staff have been working to make the necessary changes. We are, therefore, delighted to offer any support we can. Hopefully the new maths and ICT resources will be a great assistance to learning and achievement.'